Wow! For July 5th, we had a really good day on Bus 2! Normally, we have about 29 people on the bus. There are those days that are a lot higher, and there are some days that are a lot lower, but on average, 29 is a good number. Well, this morning, we had 24 on the bus!
Let me explain. I am the bus driver/captain for Bus 2 at my local Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, where I also attend Bible College. I love my bus route, and each one of the kids, and parents that ride it. It is not so much that we had a certain number, but more that there are that many people that are willing to get up on a holiday weekend and ride a hot sticky bus to church!
We had to borrow a lady worker from another bus today, because Miss Sara was out of town, but that is ok. The borrowed worker commented on how well behaved the kids were on the bus(Which was quite a compliment)!
I preached in Special Care church today for Bro. Shawn, because he was not there this week. They are doing sort of a series on the plagues on Egypt, and were up to the plague of lice. I picked up where they left off today, and brought in a cup of dust to use as lice(they are difficult to find, and even harder to keep!). Well, Bro. and Mrs. Crownover were more concerned about what was in the cup than the special needs people were, which really cracked me up! It was difficult to preach seeing Mrs. Crownover back there with her hands over her mouth, and her eyes bugging out of her head just waiting for lice to come crawling out of the cup.
Just in case you don't know, I love my church, and each and every person with whom I am able to interact at church. It is a major part of my life, and I intend for it to be that way permanently!