Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Joy of the LORD.

     Have you ever been around someone who is never happy?  I have.  It's not fun!

     Now, let me ask. . .What were they focused on?  More often than not, it's self.  Right?
     Next question. . .What are you focused on?  Count how many times you say the words, "Me, My, or I" the next time you have a conversation with someone.

     The last part of Nehemiah 8:10 says, "for the joy of the LORD is your strength."  Adam Clarke says about this statement:
     "This is no gluttonous and drunken festival that enervates the body, and enfeebles the mind: from your religious feast your bodies will acquire strength and your minds power and fervour, so that you shall be able to DO HIS will, and to do it cheerfully.  Religious joy, properly tempered with continual dependence on the help of God, meekness of mind, and self-diffidence, is a powerful means of strengthening the soul. In such a state every duty is practicable, and every duty delightful.  A cheerful heart is not only a continual feast, but also a continual medicine."

     When our focus is on the LORD, we can be joyful through anything, and that is not a forced joy either!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

KJV Only. . . Or Not?

     Please forgive this post, because it may, to some, seem a little petty.   I read a couple of weeks ago that there was going to be a special speaker at an Independent Baptist church in the area, and although I was not surprised, I was, in fact, disappointed.  Some of you will recognize how the first part of this letter is addressed, but I will not say here who wrote the letter.

October 19, 2014

Dear Pastors:


     I believe Ross Hill is a good man, and I have heard him speak in the past.  The reason, though, that I bring this up, is to point out that as Independent Baptists, we are pretty picky about who we let stand behind our pulpits.  I have nothing against Ross Hill.  He has done a lot of good things for a lot of people, but he does not use the King James Version of the Bible, which we believe is the ONLY Bible for English speaking people.

     There is not enough space here to declare why we believe this, but if you will read the book that I was required to read in Bible college, I think that will help you to understand.  The book is called "The Final Authority" by Dr. William P. Grady.

     I will also point out here that Ross Hill is not even Baptist.

     All of this, and the "Independent Fundamental Baptist" is ok. . . may I even say pleased, that this person spoke at their church.  Is it really ok to have a man preach using something that we don't believe is the Bible?  No.

     Again, please forgive me if  you think this is a petty post.  To me this is not really a petty issue, but is one of the foundations that our faith is built upon.  Without this unchanging pillar, we as Christians have nothing to stand on.

Edit:  BTW, This is not the first time that this has happened.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sandra's Arby's Confrontation

     I thought you might enjoy the picture I took of Sandra, who was sitting at the table with me inside, and the guy in the drive through outside.  He never knew what was happening, but it worked out perfectly!  I had to really work to get Sandra to pose for this.  What do you think?  I love it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Outhouse Blend?

     We have some friends who are missionaries to Peru, Matt and Sara McKendree, who are actually on furlough right now.  They are enjoying something called the "Outhouse Blend."  Take a look at the packaging from this coffee.  I have yet to taste it, but it sounds. . . well. . . very interesting!

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Death of a Loved One.

     As I was working today, I received news that someone that I know passed away this weekend.  I have only recently had the opportunity to know both her and her husband, and actually spoke to her husband on Friday.  As he and I talked, we discussed salvation a little bit.  He was carrying a gospel tract in his pocket, and I asked if I could look at it, and of course, he allowed me to do so.  A little later, when I stood up to leave, he said to me, "So, you know you are going to Heaven then?"
     "Of course!" I said.  "I asked the Lord to save me in October 1995, and the next Sunday, I got baptized"  Then, just to verify, I said, "We both know that baptism doesn't get us to Heaven though, right?"  He grinned at me, and said,

     "Trusting in Jesus as your Savior is the only way to get to Heaven."  I don't remember the exact date that he gave me, but he then gave me the testimony of having been saved some time in the 1940's!  Wow!

     That was a fun, and exciting conversation.  The next morning, his wife went to be with the Lord.  They had been married almost twice as long as I have been alive. 

     Sandra and I have been married for only 5 years, and I love her so much, that it is hard to imagine being able to love her more than I do now.  These two people were nearly inseparable after decades of marriage together. 

    Sadly, our "me first" society has kept many from the joy of sharing their life in holy matrimony with another person of the opposite gender "till death do us part." 

     I hope and pray(as well as determine), to keep the vows that I made to my spouse.  I also am looking forward to many decades of a wonderful and sweet relationship with her, as these two people had after so many years.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Back in Church Again!

     The last few weeks we have not been to church because Sandra has not been able to get around, but we did get out and go today!  It felt good to be back.  This morning we heard Bro. Scott Crabtree preach, and during the sermon give his testimony.  I don't know that I had ever heard his testimony before, nor had I ever heard him preach that I can remember.  Tonight was very exciting.  The pastor preached a sermon challenging us to get closer to the Lord, and to get to know His love better.  He asked everyone to begin to pray about the possibility of upgrading the facilities, or building new.  The current auditorium is pretty crowded, and there seems to be a lot of stepping and tripping over each other during handshaking time!  Not a bad problem to have!  There has been a lot of growth over the last several months, and God has been moving him to start considering the need for increased facility space.  We will definitely be praying about that!
     Again. . . it felt really good to be back at church again.  It just isn't the same watching the service online, although it is a good alternative when you just can't be there.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


     The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least!  Some of you already know that Sandra had to have surgery on October 1.  It was supposed to be a simple outpatient surgery, but it turned out to be a rather difficult outpatient surgery that took twice as long as the surgeon expected.  She did end up with pneumonia, but is doing pretty good right now.  It took over a week for her to recover enough to get up on her own, but once she was able to do that, she has gotten better very quickly. 
     A funny story that you might enjoy.  I've never really had any problems with blood.  I could clean up an name problem, right?  Well, we were in the pre-op room with Sandra and the nurse while the nurse was putting in the "catheter" for her IV.  I have only ever seen the needles that they use to draw blood, so this thing was a shock!  Get a medium point ballpoint pen, and push the tip out as far as it will go.  That catheter was as big as the base of the ballpoint.  I watched the nurse put that thing in her arm, and wow!  Suddenly I was loosing it.  I was feeling woozy, so I sat down in the chair, leaned back, and took a deep breath.  I felt someone slapping my leg, and I looked up and saw the nurse headed right for me.  I was a little puzzled at why she was so concerned, but didn't remember falling asleep!  Needless to say, I scared Sandra and the nurse when I passed out.  Never done it before, don't ever plan on doing it again!
     Sandra is doing much better today.  She actually went to the outlet mall today with her sister for a little while.  She was completely worn out when she got home, but I was glad that she went.  She needed to get out of the house for a little while.  The exercise was good for her too.

    Oh, She did get out to sit in the sun for a little while the other day too.