Saturday, October 11, 2014


     The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least!  Some of you already know that Sandra had to have surgery on October 1.  It was supposed to be a simple outpatient surgery, but it turned out to be a rather difficult outpatient surgery that took twice as long as the surgeon expected.  She did end up with pneumonia, but is doing pretty good right now.  It took over a week for her to recover enough to get up on her own, but once she was able to do that, she has gotten better very quickly. 
     A funny story that you might enjoy.  I've never really had any problems with blood.  I could clean up an name problem, right?  Well, we were in the pre-op room with Sandra and the nurse while the nurse was putting in the "catheter" for her IV.  I have only ever seen the needles that they use to draw blood, so this thing was a shock!  Get a medium point ballpoint pen, and push the tip out as far as it will go.  That catheter was as big as the base of the ballpoint.  I watched the nurse put that thing in her arm, and wow!  Suddenly I was loosing it.  I was feeling woozy, so I sat down in the chair, leaned back, and took a deep breath.  I felt someone slapping my leg, and I looked up and saw the nurse headed right for me.  I was a little puzzled at why she was so concerned, but didn't remember falling asleep!  Needless to say, I scared Sandra and the nurse when I passed out.  Never done it before, don't ever plan on doing it again!
     Sandra is doing much better today.  She actually went to the outlet mall today with her sister for a little while.  She was completely worn out when she got home, but I was glad that she went.  She needed to get out of the house for a little while.  The exercise was good for her too.

    Oh, She did get out to sit in the sun for a little while the other day too.

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