Thursday, July 22, 2010

Front of the Chapel

Back of the Chapel(sorry about the light in the middle!)

I'm getting excited about how the chapel looks!  They did most of the walls, and the ceiling all this past week.  They have a little over a week left, so pray that they get it all done!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Bus Captain

Well, Surprises never cease to exist!  This morning, I received a call from Bro. Jones asking me to drive up to the church early.  He wanted to discuss something with me.  Shawn Parker is leaving to go to South Carolina in a few weeks, and Bus 6 needs a new Captain.  I had no clue that I had been considered, but it looks like they have chosen who it will be. 

I rode with Shawn and Yanis today to visit the route, and have started the process of learning it.  Looking forward to getting started on bus 6!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I love Youth Conference at Windsor Hills Baptist Church!

All of the teenagers that you see here made some sort of decision last night. Altogether there were 63 teenagers and adults. The decisions ranged from salvation to surrender to full time service, to giving up alcohol and tobacco! Bro. Hanks daughter was saved during the middle of the first session! Hopefully I'll be able to post a link to these services later.

Live BP Camera

Pretty cool! I don't know why it took me so long to put this up here. Right now they are doing some testing on the new "cap" they are putting on it, so sometimes it is a little off, or doesn't show anything at all. Just click on the title and watch!

Another Danger of Facebook

I don't use facebook, and probably never will. It is interesting that at a Youth Conference Meeting on Wednesday evening 7/14/2010, Bro. Rick Dawson preached about a few things that make us "Fleshly," or carnal. Facebook was one of those things, and he also mentioned that it was a growing cause for divorce in the United States. The very next day, This article showed up on! Click the title "Another Danger of Facebook" to read the article.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chapel Renovation

The Heart of Oklahoma Baptist College-that is the Chapel, is getting a face lift this month! For those of you who remember what the chapel looked like before--this is what it looks like now. Actually this picture was taken about four days ago, and they have the old windows on the sides covered and most of the room insulated now. The view is from the front of the chapel. The doorway in the middle will be the entrance with an office on either side. The door on the right is where the new sound room will be! No more sound men running around in the front of the auditorium any more!!! I do not believe they will be lowering the ceiling, but it will stay peaked. Anyway, I hope this has drawn a little bit of a picture for you as to what will be happening soon!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bus 2

I'm sorry to say, but Bus two is no longer bus 2. We have combined with Bus 8, and bus 10 has become the new Bus 2. Bro. Crownover is our new bus captain, and he does a great job!
Bus 4 has been discontinued altogether because of money, and a lack of drivers. Bus 9 has now taken that number(4).