And why am I even writing this? Well, there are a few reasons for both, and I'll start with the later.
I am writing this post because of the fact that I believe that eating or fellowshiping in the proximity of alcohol is something that a Christian ought not do. Not everyone believes this, and that is fine with me. I'll not argue with you over the subject, or even try to tell you that you are wrong simply because it is not something that will keep you out of Heaven, and it is not worth getting into a big argument over.
I am writing this post because it never ceases to amaze me how many Christians are appalled at the fact that I do not eat at a restaurant that serves alcohol. Hey, if i have the choice to "abstain from all appearance of evil." then I think it would be more pleasing to my Heavenly Father if I chose to do what he commanded me to do. It is very interesting to me, that when this comes to light with a non-believer, someone who has not accepted Christ as their personal Savior, they are more often than not, fully supportive of the stand that is being taken. I have heard the statement, "Wow! That's different, but hey, you're a Christian." (This is usually after saying, I'm a Christian, and they serve alcohol. I can't eat there.) That doesn't happen often simply because I don't eat out often, and to eat out with someone who is not a fellow Christian is even more rare. (Usually only at company dinners, etc.) What gets me though is when another Christian says something like, "Well, that's dumb." or, "Well, You shop at a grocery store that sells alcohol, don't you? It's all the same thing!"
There is a difference between the two, and I hope to show what they are here. I'm not usually good at explaining things, so hopefully it can be understood why I believe what I do.
If you are a Christian reading this, then you already know that there is ample evidence in Scripture that alcoholic beverages are not intended by God to be ingested. Some examples of that are as follows:
Pr 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Pr 23:29 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes?
30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.
These are only two of the many Scriptures that indicate to us that God is not pleased with drunkenness, and the consumption of alcohol. Many others indicate that it is strongly related to mockery of the Holy Spirit, is directly related to adultery and other forms of immorality, and the fact that it is just plain foolish.
As a Christian, I do not eat at restaurants that serve for the following reasons;
1. God clearly commands us as Christians to "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (I Thessalonians 5:22) But not only does he command us to abstain from the appearance of evil, but also from many of the things that are associated directly with alcohol, such as fornication(which includes adultery and incest), in I Thessalonians 4:3. "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:" It could be very easy to be seen walking out of a restaurant not realizing that you are following, or leading a group of people that had a little too much to drink, and then be seen in church the next day. . . what kind of testimony would that be? Would they ever listen to you if you knocked on their door making calls for your church? They have a mental picture of you, even though you were not drunk, walking with a group of people that were drunk. . .some Christian he/she is. "Abstain from all appearance of evil."
2. To be in the presence of those drinking alcohol allows the Christian to be in an environment that is toxic to his/her Christian beliefs.
Proverbs 20:1 "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Alcohol makes a mockery of everything that we as Christians stand for. It turns men and women into fools, it lowers the inhibitions of men and women and raises the passions that those inhibitions control. Generally, when one has had alcohol, he usually has one of two reactions. 1. He loves everyone, and would do anything for them, or 2. all he wants to do is fight. If it is the first, then he'll make a fool of himself by doing anything and everything someone suggests. If it is the second, not only does he fight everyone that is around, but he often goes home and abuses his family. How can I as a Christian sit there and watch as a man does either one of these two things? When we look at all of the things that alcohol does, would it be safe to say that it opens a man or woman up to satanic or demonic control? I don't know that it does, but it is something to consider.
3. Eating out is a recreational activity. I don't know of anyone that has to eat out in order to live! What an awful life if that were the case! This is my refutation to those who argue that eating in a restaurant that serves alcohol is the same as buying groceries from a store that sells it. When I go out to eat, it is something that I enjoy doing. It relieves my wife from cooking, doing the dishes, and general cleanup of the kitchen. It is also a good way for me to say to her, "Thank you for all you do for me, let me give you a break tonight!" For the single person, it would be just a way to take a break for yourself. Yes, the grocery store does sell boxed and bottled alcohol, but I am not going to the store to sit down and enjoy a meal, to take a break from the everyday meal planning, or to just sit down and fellowship with someone. I consider going to the grocery store a necessity of life(and not exactly a pleasurable one!), something that needs to be done in order to survive. I do not have the abilities to raise my own meat, or to grow all of my own vegetables and fruits, or to make many of the other things that are needed that may be purchased at the grocery store. Unfortunately, even though there are a few grocery stores that do not sell alcohol, they do not always carry some items that you may need.
4. I know that Jesus ate with the publicans and sinners, and there was probably alcohol present(if their culture then is anything like today), but I am not Jesus.
Although there is no temptation now, there may come a day when there is a temptation to taste an alcoholic beverage. I am just as likely to be tempted as the next guy, and so are you. It is no different from any other sinful activity, and Satan knows how to make it look good to the strongest believer just as he can do with anything else.
I think the main idea here is that the line needs to be drawn somewhere, and unfortunately, no matter where the line is drawn, it is sure to receive criticism. I wish it were not that way, but being different sometimes has a price.
I never try to make a big deal out of believing what I do about this. I have learned over the past few years that it is better to decline an invitation to go to eat unless you know where the inviting party is going. It is not something done for show(as some have accused), but is something that I believe is a matter of right and wrong. My intentions are not to sway those of you who do not agree, but to say hey, this is why I believe what I do. . . check it out for your self. Most people who know me, either don't know I believe this, and the ones that do know didn't know for a long time. . . because I don't make a big deal about it.
As other reasons come to mind, I'll add them to the post. There are a few more, but after typing for so long, I can't remember them at the moment!
Whether you agree or not, I'd like to know what your thoughts are.