Saturday, September 18, 2010

Katydid Ferocia

Only Yanis could have given us the laugh we got today on bus 6.  He found a cricket yesterday at his house, that is called a camel cricket.  After the bus meeting he started showing it off to everyone, and then left it in a cup in another room as we were leaving.  Bro. Finn stopped myself, Yanis, and Jim Post as we walked past his office to tell us hi, when Yanis remembered that he left his cricket in the other room.  "Hey, Bro. Finn, I found a bug last night, can I go get it and show it to you?"  Bro. Finn said, "Sure! I studied entomology in college, so I might be able to tell you what it is." 
Then as Yanis walked away, Bro. Finn looked at us and laughed and said, "I don't remember a thing about that stuff!" 

Yanis came back with the bug, and Bro. Finn looked at it and said, "Why, This is a Katydid Ferocia!  I can tell by the antennae.  If I remember right these are rare, and Yanis,  I'm pretty sure that they are fairly poisonous!"  Yanis' eyes were pretty big by this time, and he then loudly exclaimed, "I knew it was!"  "How did you know," Bro. Finn asked.  Yanis replied, "Because of the way it acted!" 

Well, the rest of us knew that Bro. Finn was just making every bit of it up, and we were having a very difficult time not laughing our heads off.  When Bro. Finn finally admitted that he was pulling Yanis' leg, I actually think Yanis was relieved that the bug was not poisonous. 

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