I've just installed LinuxMint 10 on my new desktop, and I love it! The desktop is not actually new, but someone put it along the side of the road without a hard drive, and said we could have it. My brother, Justus, had an extra hard drive(only 4G), so I thought I'd give it a try! If you can get past the differences it has from Windows, it is the best thing since DOS! Well, I'm using it now, still trying to get used to it, and if you get a chance, look it up.
(LinuxMint 11, also known as "Katya" is also out, but my computer didn't like it, so I reverted back to 10)
The 2012 Elecction is right around the corner, and this is going to be one of the most critical in our nations history. Have you thought about it at all, or will you sit back, and wait til the last second to make your decision. The time is now to research the candidates, to know how they believe, and what they stand for, and whether or not they actually stand for it! Most importantly pray, And I don't mean a Lord I really want an ice cream cone kind of prayer, I mean, a my life depends on it kind of prayer; because no matter what, God is the one who will make things happen. The question is how much influince will we have in the matter Christians.